企业定位 Strategic Orientations
To be the industry benchmark for the Auto Non-standard automation Supplier in China
质量方针 Quality Policy
To high-quality products and quality services, so that users satisfied Scientific and technological and scientific management for enterprise developlment
以优质产品和优质服务,让客户满意 以科学技术和科学管理,求企业发展
企业宗旨 Company Mission
Use technology & quality to continuously create value for customers
组织文化 The culture of Organization
• Inclusion & Diversity 多元和包容的环境
• Equality & Agility 平等且灵活敏捷
• Co-creation & Win-win 共创共赢
• Not only focus on to performance results, but also focus on to individual initiative
既重绩效结果,价值产出,又重个人主观能动性 发挥,提升创造和想象力